E-Recipebook Published by Cookpad.com. This has recipes based on different themes.
कूकपॅड मराठी तर्फे माझ्या रेसिपीजचं E-Recipebook प्रकाशित करण्यात आलं आहे. ह्यात वेगवेगळ्या विषयांवरच्या माझ्या पाककृती दिल्या आहेत.
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Sudha Kunkalienkar’s Recipebook
This is amazing!!!
selection of delicacies is just awesome … a treasure forever 🙂
Thank you Smita.
In first place, many congratulations!!! And yes, your recipes are always handy with lots of minute tips so that no one will have problem while trying it out.
All the best fir your future venture and would be thankful if any recipes, ingredients explain as per nutritious value, and heal the ailments by the way of consumption of different food.
Love, Rasika
Thank you so much Rasika.